
A little bit of cyber-space for me post layouts I create with the wonderful kits made by some very talented designers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Layout

I stumbled across a new blog by Melusine and she had her first kit up for sharing and I was so in awe of it I just had to do a LO. I so admire anyone with the talent and lets just say it, the guts to post a new creation. As I have said many times I just don't have a talented bone in my body when it comes to digi design. I can paint folk art and I have always been a paper crafter, I can sew wedding dresses and I can cook up a storm but this whole digi designing just leaves me cold. Sure I dabble but consider what I do to be childs play hence my awe of the designers out there. I love all the designers that make and share templates just as much as those who create glorious full blown kits because lets face it sometimes you just have no clue, you get here all ready with your selected photos and dream of the perfect Lo to do them credit and then you select the kit you what to use and then nothing..... a big fat blank. No idea where to place them, you move them around and skew them and then un-skew them and resize and shuffle them a bit more and still nothing. This is why I love the templates, for those "blank" moments.
Today was one such moment, I knew which photo's I wanted to use and I definetly knew which kit but I just couldn't work out how I wanted to place them. As chance would have it, I had only days ago downloaded KimB's block template and I love her kits so much that I thought I'd give it a whirl and I am happy with the result.
So here it is... My New Layout

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Kits by Melusine
Template by KimB
Font Curlz


Anonymous said...

Meggsy, this LO is wonderful! It's so nice to see my kit in use, thanks :)
And your cat LO is awesome, you are right: they are our babies.


Kim B said...

Meggsy- WOW I love your LO's-ALL OF THEM!!! Gee whizz,Thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog- came through the blogger profile thingy-LOL... Hugs and Loves